How To Type In Hindi In Android Phone

Write in HindiTyping in Hindi or any other Devanagri script is always difficult. Thanks to Google (and many other web app), we can now type in Hindi or any other Indian language on any website. As the world goes mobile and the number of mobile users in India keep on increasing, there was a growing demand to easily type Hindi and other Indian languages on smart phones as well. Thanks to Google, now we have a way to type in Hindi on Android phones.

How to type in Hindi in Android:

Google launched a nice app recently named Google Hindi Input. You can this app from Google Play. Installing this app will provide you with new options in your default Android keyboard to write in Hindi. The writing method is same as in Google Transliteration. Which means you write using the English keyboard but in Hindi (popularly known as Roman Hindi) and it is translated automatically. For e.g. writing “yaar” will result in “यार”.

Google Type In Hind

When you have this app installed, you will see a new key with अ written on it. You can click on it to enable writing in Hindi. And you can easily turn it off to disable Hindi and switch back to default language. This video from Google can explain the things in a better way:

Note: This app will not work if your Android phone is not capable of supporting Devanagari fonts. Which means if you cannot read Hindi or other Devanagari font on your phone, you won’t be able to write in Hindi as well. Quite similar to real world. You must be able to read before you write.

For the time this app is for Hindi only. But keeping Google trend in mind, I can say that tehre will be similar apps for more Indian languages. I hope this awesome app from Google helps you in writing in Hindi on Android smart phones. Any problem or questions will be answered happily. Cheers :)

How to type in Hindi and other Indian languages on any website like Facebook, Twitter

Write in Hindi and Indian Languages on Facebook, Twitter and any other wesbiteIf internet is your religion then Google is your God :) Always there to guide and help. This time with their Transliteration bookmarklet. Sometimes when you want to reply in Hindi or any other language you simply feel helpless and you wish for an easy way that could enable you to write in Hindi or other languages. Google powered websites like Orkut has automatic option of writing in Hindi but not all of them provide such luxury. At different forums it simply is a tough task.

Thanks to Google’s Transliteration bookmarklet it is simply matters of clicks. If you want to write  यार मस्त कट रही है instead you type “yaar mast kat rahi hai” and this can easily be translated into Devanagri script. Same goes for other languages as well.

Please follow the steps (The same steps are followed for other languages as well, links for other language bookmarklet is given at the end of the page):

  • Drag and drop this link  [अ Type in Hindi] your browser’s bookmark bar
  • Now, when you want to type in Hindi on a particular website just click it once
  • It will enable the translation. You can see in the type box.
  • If want to stop typing in Hindi, click it once again and it will be disabled

Remember: You have to click on the bookmarklet for each website i.e. if you have multiple tabs open, then click on it for each tab. If you opened another website on the same tab you have to click it again to type in Hindi. But it’s not a pain as it is only a matter of a click.

Links for other Languages:
