How to upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 Beta from Ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu 12.04, the LTS (Long Term Support) version, beta version is out. According to the release schedule of Ubuntu 12.04, the final version will be released by the end of April. In case you are an early adopter and wants to try your hand on the beta release, here is how to upgrade to the beta version:

  • Press Alt+F2 to open the command box
  • Type “update-manager -d” (without the quotes)
  • Please mind the space between manager and -d
  • Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release ’12.04′ is available.
  • Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.

Enjoy Ubuntu 12.04. Cheers :)

Install the better and brighter VLC 2.0 in Ubuntu 11.10, Windows and Mac

VLC media player version 2.0 “Two Flower” has been released and it brings major changes in its appearance and functionality. In my opinion VLC media players is the best, free or non-free, media player available for any platform be it Windows, Linux or OSx. The new changes only add for the betterment of the already better VLC player. The new version is laced with faster decoding, more video format support, better interface and (experimental) Blue-Ray support. Take a look at the new interface:

Install VLC 2.0 in Ubuntu 11.10:

VLC 2.0 is available in Software Centre for Ubuntu 12.04 but not for Ubuntu 11.10.  One can install it from the source code or the easier way by using PPAs. To install it using PPA use the following commands in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc

Install VLC 2.0 in Windows:

Get the exe file from this link: vlc-2.0-source-forge-doenload

Install VLC 2.0 in Mac OS:

Download the dmg file this link: vlc-2.0-source-forge-download

And there you are with the new, shiny and better VLC 2.0. How do you find the new VLC? Do share your views. Cheers :)

How to solve: No Wireless Network Detected in Ubuntu 11.10

One of the most common problem one faces after a fresh install of Ubuntu is the loss of Wireless Network. And believe me that is the biggest pain for a normal user. The problem double-folds if the wireless adapter is broadcom (do not know what is your wireless adapter? click here). Some of the general problems are showing no wireless adapter, showing wireless adapter but detecting no wireless networks etc. [Read more…]

How to install restricted wireless drivers in Ubuntu without wired network

If you are having trouble with your wireless network adapter then you might get some help from these posts here and here.

To install the restricted drivers (broadcom wireless drivers) in the ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal and Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric without a wired Internet connection follow the instructions below: [Read more…]

Make Windows default OS in dual boot with Ubuntu: The easy Way

When you install Ubuntu (or any other Linux OS), it makes Ubuntu the default operating system. So if you want to use Windows, you have to select it manually within 10 sec otherwise it boots into Ubuntu directly.

But what if you are not a regular Ubuntu user (Why so?) and use Windows most of the time? It irritates you that you have to wait at each boot to select Windows. If you are facing such problems then you might want to make Windows your default operating system so that it boots into Windows by default. [Read more…]

How To Install Gnome 3 in Ubuntu 11.10

April 2011 saw a change in Ubuntu where it launched Unity instead of Gnome as its default desktop environment. That did not went down well with many users who wanted to use the newly launched Gnome 3 in Ubuntu. Ubuntu 11.04 did not provide support to Gnome 3 officially. Enthusiast users did find a way to install Gnome 3 though but it resulted in breaking the Unity environment completely which means that a user could have used either Unity or Gnome 3 not both. [Read more…]