[Review] Facebook Page Manager For Android. Is It Worth A Download?

If you are (or ever were) an admin of a Facebook page, you must be aware of the pain an admin goes through in managing the page through his/her mobile. The world is relying more and more on mobile devices. which means more than half of the Facebook users access it via mobile. Which also means many of the Facebook Page managers also access it via mobile.

As an admin to several Facebook pages, I always felt a need for a more controlled approach to the Facebook pages on mobile. When I first heard that Facebook is releasing its own Facebook Page Manager Android app solely for managing Facebook Pages, I was ecstatic. After some time fiddling with it, I came up with this review. Lets fond out what the Facebook Page Manager can do and how it fared on the expectation.

Facebook Page Manager

The Interface:

The interface and the interactivity of the Facebook Page Manager is similar to the new look of official Facebook Android app. Once you have logged in to the app, you can see all of your pages for which you are an admin by clicking on the menu on top left. This is nothing new as one can do the same in the simple Facebook app.


Once you choose your page, you can see all the new likes, messages and the user activities in the top notification area, very similar to how you use the Facebook app for your personal profile. You can update status and share photos from here.


On the top right corner, there is a filter that gives you access to choose between posts by page and posts by fans. In the simple Facebook page, this option was available via links.


Comment viewing section is same as what we have seen in the new Facebook app. When you click on comments, it opens a new ‘window’ on the top of existing one:


You can delete a post just by swiping your fingers across the screen. Once we have seen the interface and the look of the Facebook Page Manager, it is time to see the highs and lows of this app.

What’s Hot?

Page Insights:

The best thing about Facebook Page Manager is that it provides the insights about the posts and statuses akin to the web version. The “reach” started showing under a posts since the time Facebook started forcing page owners to pay to reach more fans (among the existing only, not new). You can see how many people your post reached in this new app.


Apart from showing the “reach”, it also shows the detailed insights. The “View Insights” gives the critical details about the post. Very helpful for targeted campaigns. If you promote your post, those insights will also be accessible.



Based on your Facebook page settings, it also notifies you of new user likes and comments on the page. May not be a good option for pages with tens of thousands fans with hundreds of active users.


Whats Not?

If you think that with Facebook Page Manager on your Android phone, you don’t need to log in to the web version, you are wrong. Facebook Page Manager is missing lots of crucial features important to a page admin.

No option to delete a comment and ban a user:

Every now and then we, page admins, came across unruly, rude and misbehaving fans. Surprisingly, while you can delete a Facebook comment from your page on mobile with the simple Facebook app, the Page Manager does not have this option (at present). No prizes for guessing that you cannot ban/un-ban a user.

No tagging in comment section:

When you use the web version, you can tag a user (who have commented on the post earlier) in the comment section. Unfortunately, there is no such service available in the Facebook Page Manager.


Obviously if you are looking for a way to share or download images from Facebook on mobile for your page, you will be disappointed again.


Facebook Page Manager is helpful for people who are more in to the statistics of their campaigns but as far as a normal Facebook Page admin is concerned, it does not offer much. Most of the features such as posts by fans, update status, photos and commenting is already available on normal Facebook apps. The new Facebook App Manager is missing some important features. No doubt that this app has been designed by an intern and it seems like the intern went back to defend his thesis 😛 I hope to see the missing crucial features in later versions. Till then it is up to you to use it or avoid it.

Teen Arrested For Mentioning Drunk Driving On Facebook

In the list of stupid things to do on Facebook, a new chapter was added a couple of days back when a teen from Oregon, USA was arrested for allegedly bragging about his “drunk driving” stint on new year night. The teen had the following message put up in his status:

[quote type=”large” align=”justify”] “Drivin drunk… classsic 😉 but to whoever’s vehicle i hit i am sorry. :P.” [/quote]

Stupid Status on Facebook Funny

Among the people who saw the status, two persons contacted the Oregon police department with the information that Jacob Cox-Brown had the mentioned such and such in his status. Police had conformed the reports of two vehicle being hit on 5th Street, Astoria. Based on the information, Police verified damage done to the cars with the accused teenager’s car.

Jacob is charged with two counts of failing to perform the duties of a driver. A drunken driving charge could not be leveled because the Facebook status was not sufficient evidence.

Lesson to learn from the incident, don’t do stupid things on social media or improve your privacy settings (as seen in the pic above, the status was visible to “public”.

Source: http://www.kgw.com/news/local/Drunk-driving-Facebook-post-lands-Astoria-teen-in-jail-185591512.html

Facebook Now Asking Users To Pay To Promote Photos, Status To Their Friends

We all saw this coming. Facebook implemented it bit by bit, step by step and turned Facebook in to a money making machine. First it was the advertisements, then it started forcing Facebook page owners to pay for reaching to their own fans. But as if it was not enough, Facebook now “gives the option” of promoting your photos to, hold your breath, your own friends.

Facebook has been testing these promoted or sponsored photo scheme for since few months in over 20 countries. According to their official report, it will keep the sponsored photos in the news feed of your friends. This way it is more likely for your friends to see your updates in their feed.

Facebook had redefined the social networking earlier. It killed so many existing social networks like MySpace, Orkut, Hi5 etc. It kept on re-innovating itself. But those were for good. I am not sure if asking users to pay for their own photos is a good step.

You may think that it is okay since it is optional and if some self obsessed narcissist may use this feature to get more likes and comments. But remember what happened with the Facebook Pages’ sponsored posts. It is optional there as well but it has dramatically reduced the page interaction for non-paid posts. What I mean is that sooner or later you will see a drop in interaction with your friends and thus you would be tempted to pay for the promotion of your photos/statuses to your very own friends.

How To Get Rid Of Annoying Facebook Notifications

Facebook has seen a number of changes since its inception. One of such feature is the “notifications” which notifies you of some activities which are closely related to you such as if someone comments and/or likes on your status or photos. But some recent changes in this notifications feature have left users frowned upon for getting unnecessary and (seemingly) unrelated notifications.

Someone in your Facebook friend list tags you in a post or picture and now whoever comments on that post or picture, you get a notification. The notifications may seem something like “ABC (Friends with XYZ) commented on the photo of you”.

Facebook Annoying Notifications

How to get rid of these notifications:

Click on such notification and go to the post/photo. You will see an option of “unfollow post“. Choose this option to stop receiving further notification from this post:

That is it. You won’t get any more notices from this post. Cheers :)

How To Schedule Facebook Page Status And Post Updates

As a Facebook page owner you might have realized that the number of likes and shares for a particular update depends heavily on the time of posting. You can analyse it using the Facebook page insights. Some of your exclusive contents go unnoticed simply because you posted it a time when there were hardly users online. While on the other hand, when you post it at the “peak time”, the posts are well received.

According to a , the best time to post an update is in the evening. This timing may vary depending upon page to page. As a page owner you may have some idea about the best timing of the Facebook page updates. The problem faced by the page admins is (was) how to get the most of this timing factor of post updates as one cannot always be online at that certain time. And this is why the new Facebook feature, that allows to schedule Facebook Page Status to any time in past or future, is crucial for the success of a Facebook Page.

Schedule the Page Status and Post updates:

When you write a status or post a link or photo, look for the “clock” symbol on the bottom:

Click on this “clock symbol” to schedule your update. When you click on it, it asks for the year and then month and then day and time respectively. You can provide the details to schedule the post in past or future:

Note: You must have defined the “creation date” of your page. A random date when your page or business (about which the page is) was created. If you have not defined it, it will ask to provide the date for the first attempt at “schedule feature”.

Change the scheduled update:

Once you have scheduled an update and for some reason you want to change the timing of the post, you can do so by visiting the activity log:

In the activity log, you can see the recent activities by you. You can see your scheduled update here. On the right end, there are options for changing the scheduled update to immediate post, changing the scheduled timing or cancelling the update. You can use these options to make changes in the scheduled update.

Now you can enjoy updating your Facebook page while you are partying. Cheers :)

Facebook (the bi*ch) forcing page owners to pay for status and posts

Everyone like the scent of money but it seems Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, has grown fondness of it to the next level. Clandestinely the Facebook page owners are hit by the recent changes in Faceook in order to monetize it. Facebook recently added the option of “promoted posts” and this is where it changed the things which is noticed by many a page owner. How is it happening and how to tackle these changes, let see. [Read more…]

Ten things idiots do on Facebook. Are you one of them?

I am forced to write this post after seeing so many “idiots” around me on Facebook doing weird things. Like real world, there are few etiquettes which one should follow in the cyber world, but again, like real world, some people just don’t give damn to the manners or they just are not aware that such manners do exist. Believe me there are lots of stupid things people do without even knowing it. In this post I have compiled top 10 things what idiots do on Facebook:

1. Use caps lock all the time:

How many time have you seen a person posting in upper cases? a few time for sure! Using Caps lock is equivalent to shouting but few people around us prefer to “shout”, always. They forget that they can turn that caps lock off or they simply don’t care like these two jerks here:

2. Like your own status, link, photos and whatever:

Seriously, what are you? A self obsessed narcissist? How does it sounds in Facebook ticker: “XYZ likes his/her own status”. Give a chance for others to like your status and links. Don’t be a despo.

3. Auto Update Facebook status from Twitter:

One needs to understand that Facebook and Twitter are two different kinds of Social Networks. On Twitter you keep on sharing stuff every minute, it is acceptable. Facebook is not the same. You don’t go around flooding your friends’ feeds by auto posting all your tweets as your Facebook status.

4. Spread Hoax:

I know Facebook encourages to share. I also know that you are a concerned citizen but it doesn’t mean you will share whatever craps you find might be “helpful” for public. These hoax include Facebook charging money, hidden camera stories and Facebook donation for sharing pictures and other stuff like this. Use your mind and Google (if you have doubts, check on Hoax-Slayer) before doing such idiotic stuff.

If Facebook has to donate money it will simply donate it. It won’t ask and keep an account of that gross looking picture. Grow Up.

5. Add any fake profile in the friend list:

Yes, there is a very beautiful girl in a sexy pose on the display pic and that is the foremost sign that it could be fake. Oh! She has more than 1000 friends. Most certainly fake. But you don’t care about it because you are a one despo looking for single girls all over the Facebook and/or internet. So you add or accept the request and go on commenting on her pics and liking whatever craps that profile (most probably used by an ugly-looking male) posts. Find out more about how to find fake Facebook profile.

6. Play Farmville/Mafia Wars and such other craps:

Fine! You like to play these games but why bother others? Why send them request to save your lost sheep in Farmville? Most of the people don’t give a damn if you were attacked by some goons in Mafia Wars. If you are such a game addict, create a separate Facebook profile just for playing these games and stop bothering other people in your friend-list before they start blocking you.

7. Update each and every activity on Facebook status:

So, you get up and wish Good Morning to everyone. And then you tell them what are you eating in breakfast, what are you watching, what are your day’s plan. Keep updating it hourly basis. More, also tell them how many times you pooped. Describe that in detail too! For God sake, get a life. Updating the status about interesting things, news, events or funny quotes is one thing but it is not your diary where you record each and everything.

8. Share your love, break-ups and fights:

Aww… You are a love bird. You lover her/him so much that you keep on posting love quotes throughout the day.

Oh! you had a fight. Both of you are not on talking term and now updating your Facebook status hitting out at each other directly/indirectly.

Oops.. you broke up. Now the whole world has to suffer from sad heart-broken status update.

Grow up attention seeker.

9. Pay tribute to every celebrity (without thinking of course):

Though you might have never been able to buy an original Apple product but it was your social responsibility to pay homage to Steve Jobs. You updated your status, changed your profile pic to apple or of Jobs. You shared photos praising Job’s vision and achievement.

Now you see other pics complaining that there are millions of children dying of hunger. You share the pic with hungry child on one side and Steve Jobs on the other. How great of you.

Now comes Dennis Ritchie. You might have never used Unix all your life, never programmed in C and before this day you never knew that there exists such a person but paying a tribute is a must for you. Stop being a &%$#@.

10. The rest falls in this category

There are many more crazy stuffs. List is long and increasing. This point is left empty to take care of rest such things. I encourage you to share the 10th point.

How to detect fake Facebook profiles

Facebook used to be a safe place but not any more. There are so many spammers and scammers that create fake Facebook profile for a number of purposes including spamming, scams, marketing, hacking etc. Some of these profiles are created by people pretending to another person or trying to be anonymous while some of these are auto generated for marketing and spamming purposes. A study find out that most of the fake profiles are female and thus has more chances of acceptance. If you get a new friend request from an unknown person please do check, before accepting the request, whether it is a genuine profile or not. Just because the new profile has mutual friends does not mean that it is a real profile. [Read more…]

How to unblock a friend on Facebook

Blocking a friend on Facebook is not a big deal but unblocking an earlier blocked friend can be real pain (in some part of body). In this small tutorial we will see how to unblock a friend.

Step 1: First, log in to your Facebook account and go to privacy settings (from top right corner of your profile)

Step 2: On the privacy settings page, scroll down to the end to find “Blocked people and apps”. Click on “manage blocking”.

Step 3: It will take you to a page where you can see blocked users and apps. It also give you an option of blocking people by typing their name and/or email. Adjacent to blocked user’s name there is an option “unblock” to unblock the concerned user.

Step 4: Click on “unblock” option to unblock the concerned user. By the way, you have to send a fresh friend request to the unblocked user as he/she was removed from your list.

Hope it helps you. Questions, suggestions and comments are always welcomed.  Cheers :)