Review: Midori, A browser faster than Google Chrome

There are a number of web browser available now a days. With the leader being Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari. With these browsers fighting for the user share it seems difficult for a new browser to make waves in to cyber world. But if a product has merit then its quite unlikely that it will go unnoticed. Such a thing is Midori, an open source extremely light web browser (still in alpha state but works quite good even in alpha state) developed by a Japanese firm (Midori means Green in Japanese Language). Midori is exclusive for Linux only and is not available to download on Windows. You can install Midori using apt-get:

sudo apt-get install midori


  • Extremely light, takes very less time to start
  • Loads web pages in a flash, fast rendering
  • Full integration with GTK+ 2
  • Tabbed browsing
  • Private browsing
  • User scripts and user styles support
  • Speed dial
  • Configurable web search


  • Negligible extensions, a web browser without extension is a women without makeup i.e. ugly and useless (no offence to women)
  • Ctrl+Enter does not work for putting .com at the end (i.e. write facebook+Ctrl+Enter in the address bar to go to instead opens another tab to search (for facebook). Quite annoying. I tried to change it but could not find any settings to do it
  • Not available on Windows
  • Does not have wide support, some web-based application may not work properly

Midori is making lots of buzz in the market. This is why some of the Linux distributions (such as Bodhi Linux, Elementary OS and probably OpenSuse ) are shipping with Midori as their default browser. Since it does not eat much of the resources, it is definitely worth giving a try.

Facebook recent change is in Comments. Now, there is no post button to click on for entering a comment. You simply press enter for posting a comment. But what if you need to press enter in a comment lets say if you want to change paragraph in the comment.

Simple solution: Shift+Enter

It lets you add a new line in facebook comment.

How to solve: Skype crashes and won’t start again

There is strange things going on with Skype since Microsoft took over it. Weirdly, while using, it crashes and will not launch again. And it happens to a lot of people. Probably a problem with Ubuntu. Any ways, since there is no standard solution available, one cannot wait for the new updates from Skype (if any). So folks, here is a quick and dirty trick to solve this problem.

In your home/your_user_name (or simply call it ~ directory), there is a hidden Skype directory. It contains few files and shared.xml is one of them. Either delete this file or rename it. Use either of these commands:

mv ~/.Skype/shared.xml ~/.Skype/shared2.xml 
rm ~/.Skype/shared.xml 

After this, start Skype again, enter your login details.

If the problem still persists, try removing this file as well by using this command:

rm ~/.Skype/shared.lck

On Windows:

As suggested by a reader Arri, the same problem can be solved by removing the same shared.xml file from the following location:


Hopefully this works for you all! Questions, suggestions and feedbacks are welcomed.

How to enable Google +1

Google’s new offering Google +1 is the counterpart of Facebook like button. As it was expected long back that Google will try something like that to make its searches more person oriented. And here we are with Google +1. It is still a lab feature and is not available by default. But of course you can enable it in your Google profile. Follow these simple steps:

  • Login in to your Google account (Login in to gmail and then use Google without signing out).
  • Follow this link on Google Labs and click on Join this experiment:
  • Now search something on Google. You can see the +1 sign besides that preview icon. If you hover the cursor over, it sparkles.
  • You can click on the +1 symbol. The +1ed searches/sites are stored on your Google profile. If you don’t have a Google profile, then when you click on it, Google will give you an option to create Google profile. Click on Create profile and +1.
  • To see what sites you +1ed you can go to your profile by clicking on the drop down with your name on the top right corner and there select view profile. In your profile choose +1’s tab. You can see all the sites here.

KIM (Keep In Mind): The Google +1 buttons are only available in Google searches. They are yet to implement on different websites like a Facebook like button. You won’t see the +1 button if you search on Bing or Yahoo or search from your browser (even if it uses Google), not for now at the least. Apart from your +1 choices, it also takes into account the +1ed sites by your friends and modifies the search accordingly. Privacy options are available to tweak the settings.

I hope you +1ed this post when you searched for it. Questions and suggestions are always welcomed. Enjoy :)

How to enable Secure “https” brwosing on Facebook

Its a dirty cyberworld. And with the advancement of technology advanced are the dangers. On an unsecure wi-fi connection hacking facebook is child’s play. You might have heard of “Firesheep” add on of Firefox which enables to login in to others’ opened facebook account on the same network. Apart from that, packet sniffers can also be used to steal your password on the fly. Man in the middle attacks are also very popular in the same sense.

One of the most easy way to avert any of the above attack is to use safe browsing with https(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) which is an enhanced secure version of the popular http protocol. Till now https was mainly used for secure payment transaction over internet but recently Facebook and twitter added the option of secure browsing to avoid increased compromising of their user accounts.

  • To enable this feature, go to your “Account Settings” on the top right corner.
  • In “Settings” tab look for “Account Security
  • Click on “change
  • Tick on the “Secure Browsing (https)
  • Save it.

At least this will keep your facebook account safe on your network. :)

How to update Google Chrome

Ever think of updating your Google Chrome web browser? Usually Chrome doesn’t notify for updates like Mozilla Firefox does. It claims that  it updates automatically but if you want to check whether you are running the latest stable version of Google Chrome you can do it easily by checking the setting options. It also updates the browser from the same options Follow these simple steps:

Look for the “wrench” symbol in the top-right corner of browser. Click on it and choose “About Google Chrome”.

Clicking on “About Google Chrome” opens a Dialogue box which states the current version you are using and also tells you to download if a newer version is available.

Once it finishes the download it asks you to restart the browser.

On the contrary, if you are running the latest version, the screen looks like:

Enjoy :)

Must have Google Lab applications for Gmail. The best of the lot.

The Google lab features helps you experiencing e-mailing in a way that has never been realized before. (If you do not know how to enable google lab features then follow: If you do not know how to enable the gmail features the follow: make e-mail life much more simpler and efficient. Some of the Lab features that make you overcome those silly, boring, tiresome and sometime fatal mistakes and effort you have to put in a normal e-mail service provider have been sorted out. These are the must haves which one should include in his gmail account.

  • Undo send: How many times you sounded “Oops” just after hitting the send button. I bet one too many times. And then you just feel like snatching it back and stop it from being delivered. Well, you can now actually do it. The “Undo send” lab features enable you to cancel the sending upto 30 secs after hitting the send button.


  • Message translation: Do you understand nothing but English and often get messages in languages other than English (For eg. French or Italian). Now with the help of “Message translation” you can translate it directly in your inbox with out the need of copying it and then pasting it in Google translator.
  • Canned Responses:Do you often need to send the same message again and again a number of times? This one if for you. Save and then send your common messages using a button next to the compose form. Also automatically send emails using filters.
  • SMS (text messaging) in Chat: Allows you to send and receive text messages (SMS) in Chat with no extra cost. Currently available for US users only
  • Nested Labels: Labels are good. Even better is nested labels. It allows you to manage your labels in a hierarchical order. Add slashes (/) to label names to express inheritance. For example, if you want a Home label with two child labels named Kids and Shopping, create the three following labels: Home, Home/Kids and Home/Shopping.