How to auto upload videos and photos to Google Plus

We are almost towards the end of another year and 2014 is just a couple months away. We have seen technology developing very fast in past few years. There are huge advancements in mobile phone sector. But still many of us prefer to stay with old methods. But now time has changed. I am talking about how you upload and save your photos and videos. Let me guess you may be saving it to your computer’s hard drive by transferring it via USB cable or you may be using some wireless transfer apps like AirDroid for Android phones and more for other.

Google Plus Logo

But these methods are also old now. Because your PC’s hard drive may crash some day or you are out of country or town and you need that stuff immediately. You need not to worry we have solution for that too.

Now a days many companies have launched various auto syncing applications which upload your videos and photos to their online servers to which only you have access unless you have given permission to anyone. These applications allows you to access your data from anywhere in the world. All they need is internet connection. Google Plus is one of them which offer this service. Follow the steps below to enable the same for you.

Note: Backups are for your eyes only. so never share your private data with anyone

Auto upload videos and photos to Google Plus

Since you want to enable auto upload videos and photos to Google Plus I believe that you have already downloaded Google Plus app J if not then head over to the links below and download it.

Download Google Plus for Android from

Download Google Plus for iOS from here

Download Google Plus for Windows Phone 8 from here (This app is paid here)


Google Plus app

Open your Google Plus application and then tap on settings option.


Google Plus app

Then you will the window as shown below. In General settings there is sub heading named “Auto-Backup” click on that. But before that read the description written below that enabling this will automatically backup your photos and videos to Google Plus profile. These backups are for your eyes only.

Note: Keep one thing in mind that enabling Auto Backup will enable use of Mobile data even which may incur charges.


Google Plus appGoogle Plus app

Turn that off button to on to enable auto backup of the data. Then choose the account to which you want to upload the photos and videos (This is for those who have more than one accounts.)


Google Plus app

Below you will see your available storage. You can buy more if you run out of the space. In backup settings you can even select when to upload photos or videos. This will help to save your Mobile Network Data. You can also select whether to upload stuff on roaming or not.

Google Plus app

As we all know that uploading will use up your battery juice then you even have option for that whether you want to upload stuff when your device is charging.


Google Plus app

If you have not backup your photos and videos earlier then there is option to back up all the data which is present in your device instantly.

So these are some steps by which you can auto back up your photos and videos to Google servers. Did you like this guide and tell us in comments below that how often you use these auto-back up services.

There are many other and if you want me to give tutorials on that too tell me in comments section below.

Tips For First Time StartUp Fund Raising- Tips From Though Leaders

fundrasing for startups

First time start-up fundraisers make their share of mistakes and yes, it is not just you but many of them who are giants today have had made many mistakes during their first times. But when you have ample of opportunities to learn and not to make any mistakes even as a first timer then why loose opportunities at all? Learn from their hard earned lessons and spare yourself from making ‘the fundraising mistakes‘. Here are 5 tips just for you:

1) Alex Mittal gives some powerful insights on fund raising why’s and how’s-

In one of his recent blog posts, Alex discusses the how about’s of fundraising for the first time start-ups.  The first and foremost thing he advises is “Before fundraising, consider not fundraising”. The pressure of making profits and delivering results quick enough to return $10 to the investor for $1 proposition is not good in the beginning. Considering the fact that starting a business or a venture these days is cost effective, Alex makes sense in raising initial amount from family, friends and friends of friends. Another way of getting the funds is from university entrepreneurial grants programs. The thing is raise as little money as possible at first and stay away from the so called Angel Investors and VC’s so that you build your business model according to your views and study rather than they advising you on what is to be done and what not.

2) Michael Skok says “Raising money is like sex”-

Giving some powerful tips on raising funds for start-ups, Michael says- either do not raise money till you have resources to hold it or raise money when you are brand new which at that point is attractive for Venture Capitalists. It is important to solve a problem or meet a need so validation before raising seed fund is absolute necessary.

3) Rick Perreault gives handy tips for success on Angle List-

Pitch video, your road to success- As the whole web is talking about the visual presence, it is a good idea to make a video of yourself pitching and upload it on Youtube. A pitch video could come in handy for your meetings with investors. Create your profile on sites like AngleList and upload your video so you instantly grab your potential Angle investors. Ask for endorsements, comments and profile shares from influencing personalities you know. As you are likely to get dozens of calls form investors on Angle List, it essential to maintain a spreadsheet with contact details, link to the investors Angle List profile, even the rating to the investors to make a good match as a investor for your business.

4) Charles Moldow talks on great pitches to VC’s-

The winning pitch will have precise and to the point concept of company. Anybody who succeed to tell what their company is about in one sentence will surely get what they deserve. Any VC will look for clear answers on what their company is about, why is it important and what they look to solve. Mere presenting an idea is not enough but selling it to the investor is what makes the difference.

5) As seen in the source, the emphasis is on closing date-

Closing date is important in businesses where the amount is huge and the interest even per week is substantial. There might be cases where the investor might delay in releasing funds. The closing date is important but it is equally important to keep the closing date clause flexible enough in the legal documentation to stretch for few weeks even after the closing date.

Fundraising for start-ups looks so much essential but the reality is it all depends upon your business requirements. Before moving on to raise funds make sure if you actually need it or even if you need how much? It is always good to start off with what you have and then show the real potential to attract VCs.

The Case of Domain Ownership: Most Important Aspect in Website Reseller Programs

Website Reseller Program

Domain ownership is a simple case of LIABILITY. Being in website reseller programs, you must be aware what all you are liable for and for what you are not. Usually most of the hosting providers, make these points sufficiently understandable and loud before entering into the reseller program. Remember that you are a mere reseller, who is a connecting link between the customer and the service provider; you are nor the service provider! It is always on the part of the hosting provider to deal with all the aspects of customer handling – Ensuring Uptime, Availability and addressing to Support and Legal Queries.

Here are few points that, being the website reseller, you never consider being liable of. Check them out while choosing a good reseller partner.


Website uptime is dependent on many criteria; most of them are technical dependencies. The reliability and stability of the system is defined by the uptime of the service. Uptime is typically a factor ensured only by the hosting provider. Hence, out of the many options, you must do a thorough research on the service provider that will ensure the highest uptime.


Availability again is a system design approach that ensures that a particular system or service is available for use for its users. In the context of hosting service providing, there are standards of defining Availability. These are usually represented by nines, such as 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.99% up to 99.99999%. The seven nine standard or 99.99999% availability is the highest in the industry so far. You can become reseller of such an operator, provided your customers are willing to pay for the service.

Support Queries:

Support queries handling is the sole liability of the service provider. Being the sole owner of the entire system setup, it is the hosting provider, who can tell what is wrong when any such incident occurs. Usually good hosting prodders do have their own support team or have outsourced the service to some efficient process center. Check this out as well.

Legal Queries (Complaints Handling):

In spite of all the setups and assurance for delivering the best service, at times, disagreements happen and your customers may opt out from the deal. In such a case, it again falls on the lap of the service provider to the complaint handling and legal formalities part. It should be clearly mentioned in the contracts about the same and partner with a service provider that offers such a service of taking the legal liabilities.


If you do the sum, all the liabilities taken together convert into a big RESPONSIBILITY.

The hosting provider must be ready to at least take these liabilities. The role of a reseller though demands a lot to fill the bridge between the service provider and the end users; however, is never taking these domain ownership liabilities on to one. Hence, while choosing a website reseller program, do consider the above factors for a worry free business model and enjoy your part of share in the business.

Instagram- Another Social Bomb For Marketing Success Explosion!

Online shopping is the new trend of today’s world. If you want best cell phones in India you will surely search on online shopping portals. With the rise of online shopping, online marketing these days is also seeing a new height that the world had never seen before. Every Tom, Dick and Harry want their presence to be felt on internet these days. Small businesses, online and offline, everybody is hitting the web with their marketing strategies on social media and also creating websites/blogs. Mere having few social profiles and handful of followers is just not sufficient. It is the age of going viral, generating leads, getting your followers to buy stuff and converting visitors into business prospects. Learning never stops, so what if you are an Facebook page marketing maestro or a Twitter wizard, get your foot into Instagram and take a leap in social media marketing.

Instagram Marketing for business

Why use Instagram for marketing anyway? The list of why’s is here:

  1. #1 reason why Instagram has the potential is it is mobile.
  2. Instagram gives you a visual social dimension like no other social media.
  3. If your brand has frequencies matching with creativity, then Instagram can do a lot over marketing.
  4. Instagram has a huge following of hip and young people who could be the best opinion makers about any brands and can also spread anything like wildfire.
  5. It is relatively less exploited as compared to other social media are concerned at-least speaking of commercialization. And that is the advantage that people on Instagram still have some trust.

So, how are you going to get started with Instagram marketing? Here we go:

1) Find, Connect and Engage

Hashtags come in handy to find people with same interests as your niche or product. Use hashtags relative to your field to find people who are fanatics and relate emotionally to your interests.

Connect with people by following them and there are chances that these people will follow you back.

Start engaging with them by liking and leaving unbelievably awesome comments which will likely bring some more followers to your Instagram profile. You can use Top Hashtags to find like minded followers.

Remember hashtags are like protein shakes without which building extra brand muscle is little too difficult.

2) Create, Build and Inspire

After that kick starting session on you commenting and following others (which should be a never ending process), it’s now time for some goodies from your side. Create your brand associated #UniqueHashtag over time and let the world of Instagram know you by your hashtag.

Build your brand by commenting on niche related photos and live your #UniqueHashtag so other people find a way to connect with you.

Offers and giveaways exclusively for your Instagram followers is a great way to inspire people to not only buy stuff from you but also look forward for your next offer without you having to beg them to buy your products.  Your exclusive selling discounts will inspire more Instagram users to follow you.

3) Be creative, Show what you got, Play without bounds and Stand-out

Get your creative juices flowing when you click and clip your pictures. Put your best efforts with making your images cool enough to grab some eye-balls and get them go viral. Make those videos which people cannot keep away from talking about.

Show them what you got (babe!). Everybody loves to do some window shopping before buying anything, so let them know what you have in store. Display your products, let them know your brand details, build some curiosity by asking to guess your next awesome release and engage your audience.

Play with what you have to share on your profile. It need not just be about you and your business alone, anything appropriate and related to your brand that enhances your niche knowledge are great shares.

Just do anything about that will make you stand-out from your niche competitors. Don’t just sell stuff; sell lifestyle. People buy not just because they like your product, but also because they are emotionally attached with your brand, they feel for you and they care to be loyal. Just make them realize you are more than a brand; you are a human.

Go and explode on social media with Instagram so that the world gets your attention!

How To Transfer YouTube Account To Another Email Address [Quick Tip]

Transfer Youtube account
Do you have a account where you upload videos and all? But your account is linked with your secondary email and you are tired of maintaining two emails at a time. So what to do you do now? Clearly, you want to change YouTube email address. You can simply delete your secondary mail and use your primary one but the problem is that you can’t transfer your YouTube account. Or may be you can. In this quick tip, I am going to show you how to transfer YouTube account to another email address.

How to move YouTube account to another email address

Since the Google has updated his Google Plus integration it has become pretty easy to do that. I think earlier it was not even possible to do that. All you need is a YouTube account, email address to which you want to transfer the ownership of YouTube account and a Google Plus Page. We have attached a video guide below so that it it will be easy for you.


It is mandatory that your YouTube account should be linked with Google Plus page. If your YouTube account is not linked with Google Plus Page, then follow this tutorial on how to allow multiple users to a YouTube account.

Once you have the requirements, follow the steps below:

  • Now, to link another email address, go to the managers tab of the Google Plus page linked to the original YouTube account. Then click on Add Managers.

Send Invitations for Google Plus Page

  • Type the email address which you want to connect.
  • Accept the invitation and then wait for 14 days.
  • After 14 days go to the Managers tab and click on transfer ownership and select the manager to which you want to link your YouTube account.

Add Manages in Google Plus Page

  • Delete the previous manager and now YouTube account will automatically be linked to new email address.

And its done. I hope this guide helped you to move YouTube account to another email address. Did you like this guide? Tell us in comments below so that we make stuff like that.

Critical Elements of a Good Technology Website that make it Successful

Damn Good websites

Is the approach of developing a technology website the same as any other site? Certainly, not. So, what are the key elements of creating a good technology website? Which are the most appropriate technology web templates and what are the time-tested tactics that are able to create a firm place among the end users? The first consideration that must be taken is that the users groups of technology websites are definitely other than general consumer website readers. Their requirements are very specific and predefined which the website must be able to showcase. Here are some of the key elements that can make a technology website a huge success for the business owner.

Good SEO for Good Website Visitors

Good search engine optimization is very essential for the visibility of the website sufficiently at the top of the search engine. The site can be great, the products can be even better; still, if the website is unable to create an online space among the users, then you do not get your desired results. Basic Google guidelines hold great importance in developing and launching a website, which must not be violated.

Good UE + Easy Navigation

User Experience is a great thing. In a way, in the online arena, it is everything. Customers will not stay, if they are not given a more than enough reasons why there are in your website. Similarly, the navigations between different options and links should be well understood. The template should not be entirely image based nor should it be completely text based. The sitemap of the website should be clear and must not make a real web of pages.

Great, Targeted Content

Customers want experience; experience of the product they are going to buy. They want every great detail of the product or service. This is possible only with great, targeted content. Content always has great significance and effect on the readers. Content must be created keeping after great research and analysis of the customers’ demands, market trends, competition, and the future trends as well.

Smart Sales Techniques

This is something which comes with great practice and experience. A successful technology website must have great marketing techniques or campaigns incorporated. Consumer websites do have their natural marketing pitch; however, it is a bit challenging task in the case of tech sites. The technology web template must have smart options for these.

CRM Inclusion

Tech consumers, especially when we are dealing with high end technology consumers (plant and machinery, traditional technology, high-level coding and software solutions etc.). We are given frequent orders of massive worth. It is, hence, very much integral to incorporate the CRM inclusion aspect in the website.

Futuristic Approach

Futuristic approach is not a common trait. It is not common in all business, and hence, not in all websites. However, futuristic approach helps in many ways. Business do change constantly, technologies do change constantly. In such scenario, the tech website and the template must have potent scope to adapt to those changes.

Top 10 tips for Designing killer Banner Ads for your business

Tips for banner advertising

Since the internet started, banner ads have been an effective way to publicize on the web. Banner comes in different sizes and design, and it may be flexible enough for you to customize to whatever how you want it look like.

The beauty of it is that, it could be animated as the gif format to make your advert more eye catching. The banner is hyper-linked to the URL of the advertiser.

Why design banner if not to make advert and showcase your product and services.

Banner has flooded the whole web and even the offline environment, which makes it a normal thing people see around. This post focuses on how you can stand out in the crowd and make your banner irresistible to all viewers and your prospective customers.

Top 10 tips on how to design Killer Banner ads

Always include “Enter” or “Click Here”

Banner adsEvery time you design a banner, always include one of these. It is true that those phrases are common and popular online, but it is proven and tested that these words works as a “take action” word, they are able to increase the effectiveness of a banner ad by 20 – 30%. They inspire the viewer to take action and click on the ad provided the headline of the banner also interests them.

Animate Your Banners

Banner ads

The animated banner format has two advantages; it quickly calls visitor’s attention, and is a way of making compressed less heavy moving pictures against video. Animated images are faster to load and your prospective customers won’t ignore because of slow site load rate. Animated banner ads increases effectiveness by 30-40%.

Optimize your banner for quick loading

Hope you know the disadvantage of elongated server load time, you get a lot of bounce rate and your banner ads won’t be effective. Try as much as possible to keep your banner ad under 10 – 12 KB. It is nearly difficult to accomplish with animated banner, but try to get it done. Most animated banners end up to size up to 15-20kB, this will look a little cumbersome to load faster on server.

One method for this approach is to keep the animation simple; movement should be on one or two elements. Most of the banner development tools have features to reduce the color to 16 or 256 which may way down help to reduce the banner ad to around 3-4 KB. Our aim is to have a neatly designed banner with high quality and loads quickly.

Use a unique headlineBanner ads

You have to be creative in your headline; a good looking banner ad with a meaningless headline will have a poor click rate. As beautiful as your banner is, also make your headline. The banner ad headline could be the same as that on your entry page. They click the banner because the information catches them, and they feel comfortable when they find the same headline on the entry page.

The word “Free” on banner headlines has proved to be more effective

Including the word free to let visitors know what your are offering for free increases click through rates of your banner ad.

Text with blue underline

Blue underlined text on the internet is believed to be links, people always want more info on headlines that interest them, the blue underline text tell them they can get referral to where the real information is.

Blue Boarder

Blue boarder has proved to increase response rate on banner ads than any other color. Blue seem to be so much influential on the internet.

Web address and company logo often makes your banner more authentic

Even though, this shouldn’t be the focal point, but it should be included in most cases, your headline is the most important, but your company’s logo or web address often add value and brand on people’s mind.

Use trick banners

Banner gets more responsive rate when it looks like something in windows which people can click on, examples are creative banners that looks like; button, sliders, check-boxes, and drop-down menus. People get curious with this type of banners and want to see what is behind the text and therefore click the banner.

Often change your banner ads

Studies have shown that banner ads lost its efficacy after it has been viewed thrice by a person, if by then, they never clicked on it, they will probably never again. You have to often replace your to avoid monotonies.

How To Send Private Messages In Google Plus [Quick Tip]

Almost all social media sites allow us to send private messages like in Facebook which you all know. In Twitter you can send Direct messages but what about Google Plus? Do you know the way out? No, I am not talking about using Hangout for sending chat messages. The reason being that you won’t notice the message left in Hangout as easily as in Facebook.

We have a quick tip to send private messages in Google Plus. People don’t know about this because Google Plus is pretty young as compared to Facebook and Twitter.

  • Just go to New Post and select the person to whom you want to send private message. For example, in this case I am sending a private message to Follow him and me too 😛

Screenshot (15)

  • I have typed my message and now here comes the trick. The place where you typed the name of the person whom you want to send message in the end you will see a drop down arrow.

Screenshot (16)

  • Click on the arrow and select “Disable reshares” from the option. This is important or else the private message can be shared by the receiver with others.

Screenshot (17)

  • And it’s done.

Did you liked this quick tip then share it and also give up thumbs up. If you want to boost your social media Marketing on Google Plus check out this guide. Soon we will be bringing a lot of posts like this.