Facebook recent change is in Comments. Now, there is no post button to click on for entering a comment. You simply press enter for posting a comment. But what if you need to press enter in a comment lets say if you want to change paragraph in the comment.

Simple solution: Shift+Enter

It lets you add a new line in facebook comment.

How to enable Secure “https” brwosing on Facebook

Its a dirty cyberworld. And with the advancement of technology advanced are the dangers. On an unsecure wi-fi connection hacking facebook is child’s play. You might have heard of “Firesheep” add on of Firefox which enables to login in to others’ opened facebook account on the same network. Apart from that, packet sniffers can also be used to steal your password on the fly. Man in the middle attacks are also very popular in the same sense.

One of the most easy way to avert any of the above attack is to use safe browsing with https(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) which is an enhanced secure version of the popular http protocol. Till now https was mainly used for secure payment transaction over internet but recently Facebook and twitter added the option of secure browsing to avoid increased compromising of their user accounts.

  • To enable this feature, go to your “Account Settings” on the top right corner.
  • In “Settings” tab look for “Account Security
  • Click on “change
  • Tick on the “Secure Browsing (https)
  • Save it.

At least this will keep your facebook account safe on your network. :)

How to type in Hindi and other Indian languages on any website like Facebook, Twitter

Write in Hindi and Indian Languages on Facebook, Twitter and any other wesbiteIf internet is your religion then Google is your God :) Always there to guide and help. This time with their Transliteration bookmarklet. Sometimes when you want to reply in Hindi or any other language you simply feel helpless and you wish for an easy way that could enable you to write in Hindi or other languages. Google powered websites like Orkut has automatic option of writing in Hindi but not all of them provide such luxury. At different forums it simply is a tough task.

Thanks to Google’s Transliteration bookmarklet it is simply matters of clicks. If you want to write  यार मस्त कट रही है instead you type “yaar mast kat rahi hai” and this can easily be translated into Devanagri script. Same goes for other languages as well.

Please follow the steps (The same steps are followed for other languages as well, links for other language bookmarklet is given at the end of the page):

  • Drag and drop this link  [अ Type in Hindi] your browser’s bookmark bar
  • Now, when you want to type in Hindi on a particular website just click it once
  • It will enable the translation. You can see in the type box.
  • If want to stop typing in Hindi, click it once again and it will be disabled

Remember: You have to click on the bookmarklet for each website i.e. if you have multiple tabs open, then click on it for each tab. If you opened another website on the same tab you have to click it again to type in Hindi. But it’s not a pain as it is only a matter of a click.

Links for other Languages:

Sources: http://googleindia.blogspot.com/2009/05/type-in-your-language-on-any-website.html

Review: Facebook email is a big let-down

It was announced few months back. All devoted fb users were so eagerly following the news, the news about the gmail killer facebook email. Last night I got the much awaited Facebook email invitation. I was so happy to see that message. I gladly accepted it. As soon as I applied the new messaging, everything looked different, better. I could not control my emotions and put up my facebook status right at that moment. I got replies from friend for invitation. Meanwhile I was exploring this new hyped application. I found these things from my experience:

Whats New: There definitely few things you will notice at first. For instance, You can see the smileys :) instead of  : ) in your messages. The message space is more clean and shorter fonts are used. It shows all the previous message conversation with the person (It categories the messages by User). You just have to scroll up for seeing that. You can receive email from other service provider like gmail at an address [email protected] These emails will be saved in the “other” category of messages.

It does allow the user to attache files and also allows to send pic/video taken at the instant from webcam. The upper limit on attachment is not known yet.

It also has the text messaging feature. It means if a friend sends you a message and checks the “send to phone” option, you will receive the same message on your mobile phone and you can reply straight from your phone. This conversation will also be shown in the facebook messaging box.

Now you can forward the messages you receive to other users (which was missing in the older version of facebook messaging).

Why it disappoints? When you expect something like “gmail killer”, you want a grand application. Unfortunately, facebook email is not a gmail killer. I guess, it cannot replace the regular email service. Instead of having a complete new email feature, it is just an up-gradation of facebook messaging.

Right now its available only by invitation. When I invited my friends, they did not see any invitations despite of me sending it.

By default, it archives the message instead of deleting it. If you want to delete a message, you have to open it and then from drop down select the delete option. Tiresome.

Verdict: It definitely is a better messaging service but it is a poor email service.

Waiting for replies on this post.

P.S. If you want to get a the facebook email, first you need to apply here:

Sources: ?topic=new_messages

Java code for GUI of a chat program

I worked on the GUI of a chat program in Java. I would like to share the experience as well as codes of my program. The code which I am going to share is a stand alone GUI i.e. its not a complete chat program but just the windows without any connectivity. (I’ll also upload the running version of the complete program sometime later).

It consists of three classes, LogInWindow, ConnectWindow, ChatWindow. The features of these classes are as following:


It consists the main and the whole code is run by this class. When it runs for the first time it automatically calls ConnectWindow so that user can provide detail about itself like its name, nick name, port number etc. There are (in this example predefined) a no. of users as buttons. Clicking on a user (Buttons) opens a ChatWindow. When you exit the LogInWindow the whole program exits. The window is named “WeChat”. There are two menu option in menu bar. One is to change status and one is to connect and terminate the chat. Various Status option are:

  • Available
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Away
  • Invisible

Connexion consists of two option: Connect and Terminate. Clicking on Connect allows the user to put info about itself in the ConnectWindow (If user has already done it then it shows the previous entries). Terminate deletes all the previous info about the user.


It allows user to put info about itself. Already discussed in LogInWindow.

User can put the following information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Nick Name
  • Display Name
  • Status Message
  • Port Number

Pressing Ok Button enters these information. Clicking on cancel simply disposes the window


Chat Window class provides different facilities for interacting with other user. It has a text field where user can enter chat. All the text is shown in a text area. There are some buttons for Voice and Video Calls as well. The chat transcript can be saved easily by clicking the save button. Closing the chat window disposes it. And it also gives calls a function while closing the chat window (So that it can be used to pass info about the closing the chat window to some other class/module, if needed).

P.S. You can find the codes here (All the code are in word file. You can copy paste these codes in txt file): GUI Code