How to interconnect your various social media profiles

How to Interconnect different social media profiles and get them dancing to your tunes!

If you are into business or an addict to social media or simply believe in keeping your various social media profile followers updated all the time then you must do it smartly. To keep your fans and followers on all of your media profiles engaged and updated you must know one simple trick and that is interconnecting your profiles. Who can know the fact better than you that ‘time is money’ and you just cannot afford to flock from one profile to another and write the same status message each and every time.

There are 100s of social media sites out on the web and it is highly impossible to be active on all of these sites. However, what can be done is automate the updates or interrelate different profiles together only to sit back and concentrate on creating stuff and not invest most of the time marketing the stuff.

Every successful company or a business owner or a blogger would at least have five to six social media profiles of which most common are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, etc wanting to be served with freshly brewed cup of updates.  Be it the updates about new launches, events, offers, or simply new blog posts or fun content.

Here are few easy to set up steps for you to win over the social media.

Twitter Settings:

Display your tweets on Facebook timeline automatically.

  1. Login to your Twitter profile (or sing up if you do not have one!).
  2. Click on the mini human icon in the upper right corner to get a drop down menu.
  3. Now click on settings.
  4. You get a list of options on the left hand side. Click on Profile tab.
  5. In the right column of the page displayed, you will get an option Facebook as your last setting on the page. Click on ‘Sign-in to Facebook and connect your accounts’ tab.
  6. A window pops up and you are asked to sign-in to your Facebook account.
  7. You can select one or both the check boxes to post your tweets to Facebook wall and/or Facebook fan page. If you have multiple pages then you may have to choose the one  on which you want the tweets to be posted.
  8. Hit the Save Changes tab and you will see your tweets automatically being updated on your Facebook.


Post your pin descriptions on your twitter timeline automatically.

There are no settings required to be done on Pinterest as you are given a choice to post on twitter every time you pin something on your wall.  You must be able to see a check box with twitter option on every pin at the bottom right corner of the pinning box. Check it and you will see your pin on twitter and therefore on Facebook (Remember in the above twitter settings you have done a great job of automatically posting tweets on Facebook).


Integrate Facebook and Twitter into Tumblr.

Option 1: Update your Facebook profile status and/or fan page via Tumblr.TLogin to your tumblr profile.

  1. Click on the settings icon.
  2. Click on your Tumblr blog name which is the last option in the list displayed towards left side.
  3. Scroll down and you will find two social media options namely:
  • Facebook: Check the box ‘Share posts on your timeline’. Make sure to select the right option in the drop down menu to share on your Facebook profile or one of your Facebook fan pages.
  • Twitter: Check the box ‘Share posts on your timeline’. Sign in by clicking the button and authorize the application.

You are done. Scroll down and click on Save button. Again beware of posting multiple updates of same posts through twitter and tumblr on Facebook!

Option 2: Display your tweets in the header of your Tumblr blog.

  1. Repeat the steps 1 to 3 in Option 1.
  2. Click on Customize button under the option theme.
  3. You will get your current theme along with all the options related to the theme in the left block.
  4. Search for the option Appearance and click to get a menu.
  5. Check the box ‘Show twitter feeds’.
  6. Click Save button on top left corner.

You are ready to show your one latest tweet to your Tumblr followers.


Post your tweets to LinkedIn profile.

  1. Getting your tweets posted in your LinkedIn  timeline is as easy as rest of the above media.
  2. To get started, login to your LinkedIn profile.
  3. Hover the curser over your name in the top right corner.
  4. Click on settings.
  5. Click on profile option.
  6. Under the settings tab, click on ‘manage your twitter settings’.
  7. In the pop-up box, add your twitter account and save the settings.

All this sounds cool and practical isn’t it? But here is a word of caution. The automation and integration can be easy to use but it also easy to spam your followers and fans by repeatedly sending the same updates through two or more social sites.  Before falling prey to this awesome feature of interconnecting media, watch out and better come up with a flowchart to stay away from any confusion!

How have you been using this time-saving concept? Do share your tips to stay away from spamming.

Advantages Of Social Media For Website Owners

Search engine rankings is one of the most important things for a website owner. Search Engine Optimization is important for any website because more than 90% of the total traffic towards any website is generated by search engines. The appearance of your website on first page of search results is important because it can boost the traffic towards your site.

But one more thing that should be kept in mind while optimizing your website is that some search engines like Google and Bing and some little emerging search engines like Blekko and DuckDuckGo are including social data in their searches. Beside of looking for your keywords and Meta tags Google is also looking for the number of people who trust on you by looking into your social media.

Advantages of Social Media: 

Since SEO is the most powerful tool to gain traffic and attention of viewers from search engines towards your site. Nevertheless most of the people overlook the importance of association of SEO and Social Media. As discussed above, when some one +1’d your site’s content on Google+ or post on Twitter or on Facebook it creates a powerful back link to your site. As a matter of fact same thing happens when you do same thing on other social media sites. Another very significant aspect is that focusing on social media makes you repetitious as well as reliable.

1. It free to start

If you do not want to pay cash at first on your social networking, you can still set up accounts with the major social networking sites like Tweeter, Facebook or My Space, and Google+. It costs absolutely nothing to figure out a social networking existence. you’re able to generate business webpages and keep clients prompted of newest offers and deals. All you have to provide is a some of your time and ability to form the correct impact.

2. Results Will Be Quicker Than Typical Website

In fact, some internet marketers give up their traditional sites and sustain public networking webpages instead. This option is not for everyone but it has effective for many. You have to be able to “go viral” with the material you publish using public networking. And it is possible to get a large number of guests to your website when you publish powerful material that passions customers.

3. Higher Rank On SERP’s

Each time your material is distributed by others on public networking, a back-link is designed. And the more inbound hyperlinks you have, the greater your PageRank and positions on SERPs. Backlinks are how you identify yourself as an expert website.  And google want to offer the best expert websites to their clients during queries. Keep in mind that your PageRank is centered entirely on the variety and quality of your hyperlinks.

4. Social Media is Simple to Use

Site entrepreneurs may not be passionate about social media due to the fact that they have certainly not used it. It can be overwhelming to understand yet another element of internet promotion, especially one that seems a bit “technical”. But social media is just like everything else on the internet – you just need to exercise it. Discover the guidelines of each website you want and make your own profile first to get started. You do not need to spend lots of time to social media – perform on publishing excellent material and let other clients do the job for you by sharing it.

5. Your Followers Will Help You Alot

Sharing is one of the biggest advantages of social networking. Compared to typical internet promotion techniques like promotion via email, social networking has a trickle down effect that advantages companies. Once you publish your material, customers then “share” your material by retweeting, pinning, or otherwise sending your publish to their own followers. Once you complete the unique publish, the customers do the rest for you.

6. Fan pages Produce Leads

Social media clients who like your products, business, or services love  fan pages. They want to and can stay informed about your future actions, revenue, and other marketing actions.  And they can keep feedback.  Fan pages are great for interesting clients who can become your new clients.

7. Endless Reach

The possible reach of public networking is amazing. You can get supporters from anywhere in the world. And public networking has gone mobile so that you can easily keep in touch with customers at any time, anywhere. Information is instantly accessible to anyone interested. And most public networking systems offer tools that allow you to focus on content to determined areas. Which indicates you are able to get your concept out to individuals most likely to turn into customers.

8. Instant Targeted Visitors:

With Google plus having roughly 195 million users, Facebook with more than 845 million active users and Pinterest having more than 10 million users any one can build traffic to its site. Although not all the user will be your traffic but your main purpose that is to derive traffic towards your site will get completed. Also the stats shown above tell us about the importance of social media.

Google integrates Google Plus into Blogger dashboard

The king of internet ‘Google’ does it again. I am talking about the google’s concept of integrating google+ with every other google product online. This time around it is integration of google+ into blogger dashboard.

The ritual of integrating google+ such as:

  • using google+ in Gmail where you can set google+ profile as default profile for your Gmail account
  • you can direct your blog visitors (if you use blogger platform) to google+ profile which was blogger profile earlier
  • and give a +1 on Adsense,

continues with the latest integration of google+ in to the blogger dashboard, the google’s blog platform.

Since October 2011 blogger has enabled the feature of using google+ profile over blogger profile to allow the blogger publishers to grow their audience for their blogs and intern help them to grow their google+ followers. Now this addition of g+ button in the blogger dashboard means it will be easier to share your blog updates. You no more need to copy the url to update status about your new post in google+.

What does it mean to you as a blogger?

Every time you publish a post on your blog you will get a prompt to share on google+. This will help blog publishers to notify to circles on their google plus profile about their new post on the blog. This will also allow circles to +1 and/or reshare the g+ profile updates to their own circles thus exposing the links to larger audience. Google in their official blog called this as a ripple effect. It has also been said in blogger buzz that more features will be added to google+ button on blogger.

This is the newest addition to the list of attempts from google to bring google+ and blogger together after

  • providing two google+ gadgets earlier- +1 button and google+ badge to add to blogs on blogger
  • and, giving you an option to find out which of your posts is popular and growing in demand. This is made possible by providing +1 counter on your dashboard in front of each post.

This means that you will be able to connect your brands, business, or other organization’s blog to your Google+ profile, which will bring all the identities together leading you to establish relationship with your blog and google+ followers quickly.

Start exploring this feature and stay tuned for more from gooooogle!

Could there be problems?

It is not clear though on ‘how to bring together or interconnect two or more google accounts (which I am sure most of you have) associated with different Gmail Ids to a single google+ profile?

Consider this, suppose I want to connect a single google+ profile to my blogger account and a different Gmail account (not associated with the one used for blogger) which I use extensively to mail my clients then it becomes impossible since google associates different google+ profiles to every single Gmail account!

I am sure it would be a flop idea to create different circles for every account which would bring down the basic idea of integration of google+!

What would be your suggestion in this scenario?

Top 5 Social Media Sites for Your Business

If you own and operate your own business, one of the most important details is to market your company. Doing this on a wide scale basis is essential so that you can ensure that people know about the business and your company can expand to a larger audience. With everything being digital in this day and age, the lifeline of any successful business is to integrate it into social media websites. More than ever, both individuals and businesses are relying on social media to market themselves. As a business owner, it is important to select the right social media websites to reach the right audience for your company and its services and/or products. The following are considered the best social media sites for businesses.


is essentially the Facebook for professionals. Not only is it a must for individuals who are looking for new employment, but it is also excellent for small businesses. You can connect with other businesses in your field or in related fields and advertise the various services or products your company provides to the public. You can find potential clients or customers and engage in chats with other professionals in the same field. You can also find potential new employees who may want to join your staff and can encourage your current employees to create profiles on the site for additional marketing of your business.


is a big favorite social networking site for many. Not only is it good for individuals to connect with others, it is also ideal for marketing your business as it can reach a huge spectrum of people and other companies. If you get certain Facebook friends to like the page, your business can be promoted even farther as their friends will see it, which can certainly draw interest in your company and its products or services. The more people who give your page a “like”, the more traffic your business page will receive and more people will view your posts. Facebook is so important, as it also gives you the opportunity to post photos, videos and even coupons for your business.


is essential for any business as it allows you to market the company via video. It gives individuals the chance to see and hear details about the business directly from a live person instead of simply reading it or seeing stationary photos. If someone likes a promotional video for your company, they can even share it on their social media pages, which can draw more traffic to your YouTube page.


is another great social media site to use to promote your business. While it only allows you to use 140 characters or less per post, you can get your point across and let the public know what new services or products your company offers and inform them of any specials. You can even rely on TwitLonger, which is part of Twitter and allows you to use more than 140 characters.


is one of the newest social media sites and is essential for business as it is expanding in popularity on a daily basis. It allows you to connect with others based on specific interests, so if you highlight your company’s services or products, you can attract potential clients or customers who are interested in what your business has to offer.

Author bio: David Larson, with Intelligent Search, is a computer enthusiast. He enjoys reading and writing about technology. He also enjoys hiking and being in the outdoors with his family.

Five Social Networking Sites That Lets You Make Money

Most of us netizens spend a lot of our time on Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. While we invest (or waste) our time these social networking sites make money from it. If these sites are earning through the user-generated contents then why not the users it self are paid. That puts us to a hundred (if not million) dollar question: how to make money using social networking sites on internet?

Internet is a fast changing sphere. One doesn’t need to invest a fortune to earn on internet. Blogging has given a new dimension to world-wide web and new power to an average user. The user-generated contents from these blogs are ruling the internet world and the bloggers earn for their effort. That said, if blogging lets a person earn then why not social networks? After all, it too has plenty of user-generated contents. Why should the social network sites should have all the rights over it? On the same thinking line, there are few new social networks that let you earn money in one way or other. In this post we shall what are these social networks that pays you money and in what way.


A Singapore based startup MyCube was probably the first one to jump to this idea of paying money to users for their content. It even coined terms like “Social Exchange” and “Content Exchange”. You earn some of it when you join the site and then you can put your photos, videos, article etc and put a price on it. Apart from this you can of course socialize with other members. A detailed review of MyCube can be found here.


Lockerz is a shopping oriented site. Users upload their content mainly photos and videos, similar to . When other users follow you and reshare or like your content, you earn some points. It doesn’t pay you cash but you can redeem these points to get discount from a number of brands partnered with Lockerz. Even if you don’t buy anything, there is plenty to “window shop”. Shopaholics must give it a try.


This one pays you for doing what you already are doing on internet, viewing content, uploading photos, videos, watching photos and videos, making new friends. So, what is the deal here? Klikot analyses the traffic you bring to its site through your content and at the end of each fiscal month it pays you if you have crossed a certain threshold. Moreover, you will also earn from the income of 5 of your friends who joined through you.


Honestly, it is not a social networking site. Don’t get disappointed because it is even better. Here you can make money using your existing Twitter and Facebook account. The idea is to promote some specific products from advertisers. You will get a unique link which you can share on your Facebook page/timeline or tweet it. Based on the clicks and/or purchase of the product you will get your cut.


RedGage, to some extent, is similar to Klikot. User uploads photo and videos and depending upon the number of views it gets paid in real money. User will earn bonus money if his/her content is featured on the main page. An import option allows user to import contents from other sites to provide comfort. A similar site is People String which is not mentioned separately because it is too similar to Klikot and RedGage.

Do you think these sites have the ability to compete, to a certain level, with the existing social media giants? Do you think that existing social networks should also pay users for their content instead of making money themselves? Please let us know your views in the comment section.

Blisscontrol lets you control all your social network at one place

What if you have a place from where you can control all of your Social Networks settings? Sounds good, eh? Blisscontrol is the one stop where you can change settings for most of the popular social networks.

It is a simple site where at left you can select the setting for e.g. Profile Picture, Username, Password change etc, you want to change and on the right you can select the social network  for which you want to change the settings.

Its a wonderful idea. Definitely worth a try.

Review: Smart way of managing your Personal data with Personal

In daily life we need to remember a huge number of things in almost every aspect from credit card number to house insurance number, from kids’ baby sitter’s detail to passcode of the alarm system. You buy an electronic product, you have to remember its details for e.g, manufacturer, serial number, purchase date, warranty expire date etc. You have a party scheduled, now you need to worry about the food items, guest list and if more than one person are hosting or collaborating then share the status with them. You have 22 characters long wi-f- password, your kids’, wife’s or friends’ allergies.

The list grows endless. As human mind has its limits in remembering things (unless you have something like a Beautiful Mind of course), it seems technology advancements are hell bent on solving the issues faced in keeping the details of your “personal data”. Personal is one such new product, in public beta, that tries to help you keeping the track of your personal details in a way that can ease your life big times. [Read more…]

Larry Page finally overtakes Mark Zuckerberg while Snoop Dogg closes in on Google Plus

From the early days of Google Plus an unconfirmed profile of Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook co-founder) dominated as the most circled profile outnumbering the official page of Google co-founder Larry Page. But it seems like the happy period is over for Mark as Larry finally overtook him this week (last week of Oct 2011) and topped the chart as the most followed person on Google+. [Read more…]

How to get the URL or Link of a Facebook post or status

Sometimes you may need to provide the URL/link of a Facebook post or status for eg. in case you are trying to win a contest or trying to attract more people to a Facebook post. Though Facebook has recently added a “Share” option for all the Facebook post but it still doesn’t serve the purpose in the case you need the to share the Post in a comment or outside Facebook environment. In this post I’ll show you how to get the URL of a Facebook post.

All you have to do is to go to post and click on the “Date-Time” of the post. Something like this:

Clicking on this “Date-Time” element will take you to the post in a new tab. And from there you can simply copy past the URL of the post. Something like this:

Now you can share the post anywhere with the help of the URL. By the way the same method can be used in Google Plus as well.

Questions and suggestions are welcomed.