Recently while trying to install Unix along side Windows, I messed up with Windows and lost all the data. I had a huge collection of Music and Pics which I lost in this unfortunate incident. Though I have a considerable amount of Music and Pics on my external hard disk, I still lost the songs and pics which I added lately and forgot to copy them in the hard disk. Moreover, it is a tedious task to choose the new songs and pics from your computer and then copy it in the hard disk. Windows built-in back up option backs up almost everything in your library which I simply don’t like. Because of this experience I felt the need to synchronize two folders on different drive (including external drive).
I happened to come across this powerful synchronization tool from which stands fully correct on all of my synchronization needs. Its a very easy to use tool and gives you different options for synchronizing. Here is how to do it:
Run SyncToy. And select the pair of folders you want to synchronize.
When you go next, you will have to choose one option out of the available three (this synchronizing option can be changed later as well).
- Synchronized: Any change in the folder will be reflected in both the folders. Even if you delete file on one folder, will be deleted from the other as well
- Echo: Changes (and delete) are reflected on the right folder
- Contribute:This is my favorite and ideal for back-up. Changes are reflected in the right folder but deletion in left folder doesn’t affect files in right folder
Give a name to your folder pair for eg. Music BackUp, Pics BackUp etc. Your folders are ready for synchronization.