How to install Google Chrome in Ubuntu 11.10

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Ubuntu in its Software Center provides Chromium, the open source web browser upon which Google has built Google Chrome. If you do not want to use Chromium but the official Google Chrome then follow the instruction here:

Download and Install:

First download the .deb file from . The file might be named something like: google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb

Simply double-click on it and it will be installed in Ubuntu Software Center.

Possible Error:

Now when you try to install by double clicking on it or using dpkg command in terminal it may result in the following error:

Internal Error: The file “/home/user/Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb” could not be opened

Reason and Solution:

The reason for the error is broken dependencies. The way to tackle this error is to run the following command in terminal (use Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo apt-get install -f

and then run it again. It should be installed without any pain now.

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  • Moinul

    Hey Prokash didn’t resolve for me. plz can you give any other solution about this.