Thanks to the thousands of apps available in the iTunes market, your iPhone or iPad can be easily transformed into an encyclopedia of health and medical information. It can become a powerful reference tool with the right apps. Here are our picks for some of the best healthcare apps to give you the best tools and information available:
Blausen Human Atlas:
Get 3D medical animations and detailed still images to learn more about the human anatomy. There are 150 videos, 1,200 detailed still images, and a searchable glossary with over 1,500 medical terms. This comprehensive app costs $19.99.
Pocket First Aid & CPR:
This app from the American Heart Association provides 34 videos and 46 illustrations on how to perform CPR and administer basic first aid. Use it for a crash course during an emergency or to refresh your previous training. $1.99.
Get reliable information on disease, diagnoses for medical conditions, and drug treatments. You can also get up-to-date medical news and research. Free.
WebMD for iPad:
Get reliable health information from the authoritative source. Find information on drugs and treatments, learn about first aid, and use the symptom checker to diagnose conditions. Free.
Learn what kind of condition you may have and where you should go for treatment with this symptom checker and medical reference guide. There are also maps for local providers and an electronic check-in option. Free.
Breathe Away High Blood Pressure:
Learn how to de-stress to lower blood pressure with this instructive app. Use the guided sessions on the app as part of a daily routine to lower blood pressure. $1.99.
Outbreaks Near Me:
Get real-time disease outbreak information from this handy app. Whether you want to learn about the common flu or want to be notified should a deadly “Contagion” type outbreak should occur, this app will help. Free.
Neuro Mind:
Get detailed information on diseases and other medical conditions affecting the brain with this app. Free.
3D Teeth:
Get a 3D look inside the mouth to learn more about teeth and good dental care. Learn about dental disease, dental implants, and dental care. $1.99.
Visual Dx:
Designed for medical students and other healthcare professionals, this app lets you identify a disease or illness by physically manifested symptoms. You can learn about recommendations for treatment. The app is free, but you have to sign up for a subscription to use it.
Do you have some other favorites that didn’t make it onto our list? Tell us about them in the comments!
About the Author:
Heather Green is a freelance writer for several regional magazines in North Carolina as well as a resident blogger for Her writing experience includes fashion, business, health, agriculture and a wide range of other topics. Heather has just completed research on online healthcare administration programs and online physical therapy assistant schools.